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Ann M Pratley

Happy 2017!

Already 2017 is well under way! What is new in my world? Hmm, well, my follow up book to 'The Golden Desires' is down to its last three days in its Kindle Scout campaign. This is my fifth and last effort with Kindle Scout. It is an interesting process, to say the least, but it is time to move on with other new things to try!

Things to look out for in 2017, from my little part of the universe:

~ my first release of a children's picture story book. I have been slowly working on this for the past few months, even though I keep getting sidetracked! It is a simple little story with simple little graphics but I am determined to see it released and try as hard as I can to get it permafree as an interactive ebook. Kids need to be encouraged to read, and not everyone has access to a free library. It will be a good thing if I can provide one little story for some little one to enjoy at no cost to their family or carer.

~ my upcoming release of a new family drama saga. Book #1 is complete and currently being reviewed by a potential publisher. Book #2 is already being written to follow. I only wish I could find more hours in each day to actually write type what is in my head!

~ as mentioned above 'The Golden Supremacy' is going to be published, with or without Kindle Scout, and the third book will follow before the end of the year. The third book leads into another generation in the ancient village in which Trent and Isabella reside. I am very much looking forward to completing that instalment of 'The Golden Desires' series.

So that is my little 'to do' wish list for 2017. Every day I feel like I am learning more and more about writing, and all of this marketing stuff. It is like going to university (but free!), I am learning so much.

But I thank you for providing me with support. Everyone who reads my books enlightens me just that little bit more. If you are a reader, you are important to those of us who write. If you are fellow writer, you are also important to those others of us who write.

Books rock!!


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