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Ann M Pratley

Hoonigan - The two week countdown is on!

It's now only two weeks until my latest story, Hoonigan, is released on September 1st. Always when a new story is completed and the release date nears, I do feel a sense of excitement. It isn't my first book, but with each story I write, I get to know new characters. Some of them start to feel like friends when I've been such an intimate voyeur into their thoughts, actions and experiences over so many months. Other characters are ones who I know I personally would never want to meet. In Hoonigan, there is one character I'd never want to meet, but have certainly met people like in my life, as I'm sure you have too.

But two of the characters who are in this story, are bound for other stories also. FBI Special Agents Ashley Power and Tim Moore work together quite a lot. They get on well and have grown a bond that is close, without them having crossed any boundaries of a romantic nature. In Hoonigan they make a debut appearance, but in a new story that is already underway, they'll be coming back, in that book on the hunt for a serial killer. Oh, but, that is a secret. I'll talk about that book another time.

For now, please be sure to grab Hoonigan at the special pre-order price of 99c for the ebook. After release it will increase to my standard ebook price of $2.99 so why not grab it while it's at this exclusive introductory price. Alternatively, if you're like me and have an appreciation for reading off paper, the paperback version will be released on September 1st too.

I hope you are healthy and happy, wherever you are. Here in New Zealand, days are slowly getting longer and a little bit warmer as spring approaches.

Enjoy your week, and thank you once again for being such a valued reader and follower!

Ann M Pratley


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