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Ann M Pratley

Is one's head ever TOO full of imagination?

The hardest part of being a fiction writer, I find, isn't trying to think of what to write next, but rather trying to figure out how to find the time to write down even a percentage of the story lines flicking through my mind on any given day. Having originally written primarily in the romance genre, over time I found myself venturing into the romantic suspense realm of stories. I always found these kinds of tales just that little bit grittier and interesting with their blend of suspenseful action going on, whilst the heroes and heroines still have their humanity highlighted via meeting someone they form a whimsical chemistry with. It's the best of both worlds - love combined with drama; the shadier unknown combined with happy ever after. Win-win for a writer and for a reader.

Sometimes, however, a darker side of story calls out to an author. It grabs hold of one's imagination and persists in its determination to be written down, worked on until it comes through to fruition. How does it feel to a writer who has for so long focused on the lighter side of life via romance writing, when 'the dark side' wants to push the fluffy stuff aside? Pretty good, I have to say. It presents new challenges and pushes me to really imagine being in certain situations. How would I feel? What would I do? Of course, until it actually happens, we never really know how we would actually feel in any situation. That is the beauty of fiction, though - it isn't real. Anything can happen in any way an author wants it to happen, because it is, after all, just the magic of imagination. And that is a beautiful thing.

Hey, enjoy your week. Here in New Zealand the sun is out and the birds are singing. It was an absolutely stunning Spring day yesterday and today is forecast to be the same. Wherever you are in the world, keep happy and healthy!


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