In a small seaside area of Sydney, Australia, 28-year-old Tom Santini has recently returned to the outside world after ten long years in jail following an error of judgement in his youth. Readjustment hasn't been easy, but luck has taken a turn for him. The woman that his brother, Graham, has been seeing is a woman with connections. Through her, Tom has finally found an employer who will give an ex-criminal a chance to start over. It hasn't been an easy six months since his release, but Tom is learning to face his situation with reality and step up to take responsibility for his decisions.
Settled in his job at Toby's Stop'n'Dine, Tom's attention is captured by a young woman who enters. She's beautiful and alluring, but seeing and talking to her, he can deeply sense her being on the run from something … or someone. Cat is smart, sexy, and a woman who will make him wonder if he does in fact have a chance at being happy in love, despite his past. But why does she spook so easily? What - or who - is she on the run from? Tom knows that whatever happens, he has to think before he acts. He is determined to do things differently when it comes to dealing with difficult situations. He's already missed out on so much. He cannot go back to prison. What can he do to calm and keep safe the woman who he so recently met but already has made a difference in his life? How can he save the woman with a deep seated passion that drives him crazy… The woman who understands just how important and difficult it is to find oneself again …

​A luxury cruise in Alaska - how much more perfect could a holiday be for a small town girl after having lost both of her parents and was now feeling alone in the world. For Tanya it seemed a great way to escape real life for a while, and perhaps meet some new people while seeing new things. A way to grasp life and start making sure she wouldn't waste a moment of it, having realised how short it can be.
But when she embarks on her dream cruise, her life starts to take one turn, which leads to another, and another, with fate leading and changing her life direction even so far as to bring her within distance of a murder after a body is found near her hotel. And to make her wonder if someone new and close to her has a darker nature than she previously had thought, and might not be the charming person she had originally perceived him to be at all.
All she dreams of is to find a life of contentment and fulfilment with one person who she truly believes loves her. How difficult can it be to find that?