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If you love suspense in the books you read, and you don't mind explicit sexual content and language, Painful Deliverance is a story with many layers to it. In this story, you'll find the sadness of a young woman losing herself, and desperate to get away from a situation that she knows isn't healthy for her - but also the happiness in who she finds, and the new life that she begins.
Following the story of a young woman who has become traumatised through being asked to deliver pain to someone, over and over, as his way to receive pleasure, Alexis finally breaks free from the relationship that she knows is destructive to her.
While the first book will introduce you to Alexis and the degree of effect the relationship has had on her, the follow up book, 'Darkness of Heart', will lead on from where the first title ends, with Alexis and her powerful obsessor coming face to face after her being on the run from him.
In book two you will meet new characters, Samantha and Tom, and their story is expanded upon in book three, 'Friendship of Desire', during which their paths cross with Alexis and the mystery of her situation.
~~Please note that this book does contain coarse language, sexual content, stalking, escapism and psychological trauma ~~
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